- Version
- Download 0
- File Size 1 MB
- File Count 1
- Create Date December 1, 2023
- Last Updated December 1, 2023
Click the download button and Enter your registered email in the password box to unlock/download your certificate.
NOTE: The download button is only visible to logged-in users. Ensure to log in to your account before accessing this page.
STEP 1: Open the link to your certificate in the congratulated message from your inbox
MESSAGE SAMPLE "Congratulations! Here is the link to download your certificate(s) (Note: Kindly use your registered email in the password box to access the file)
EXAMPLE LINK - https://association.myjdworld.com/download/----certificate"
STEP 2. Click the "Download" button,
then Insert your provided/registered email in the "Enter Password" box and hit the "Submit" button.
If your password is correct, your file/certificate will download immediately after you hit the download button.
STEP 3. Find your downloaded file/certificate in the current default download area of your device/computer.